Discover Your Unique Self

Uniquely Yours Readings

Kiss Print Readings and
Handwriting Analysis

What is Uniquely Yours?

Both your lip prints and handwriting are about YOU!

Uniquely Yours Readings combine handwriting analysis and kissology to provide you with a personalized, insightful, and fun reading experience. Discover what makes you unique today!

What We Provide

Our readings combine handwriting analysis and kissology to help you discover what makes you different. We offer personal, insightful, and fun readings for both men and women.

Why Choose Us?

Our readings are one-of-a-kind and tailored specifically to you. You'll gain valuable insight into yourself and what makes you unique.

Experience the magic of our readings today!

About Uniquely Yours

Our readers are trained and accredited by an international handwriting expert and forensic private investigator!

Uniquely Yours Readings are a unique blend of handwriting analysis and kissology. Our readings provide personal insight into what makes you unique. We offer one-of-a-kind readings for both men and women.

Discover What Makes You Unique